Monday, 25 February 2019

How you recover your Bigpond Email Hacked Account with Bigpond Email Helpline Number.

Hacks are a common thing these days. As per a popular news channel report, around four years back, almost half of all Australian adults were direct victims of a data theft from corporate servers over a 12-month span.
Credit cards, telephone numbers, and login credentials fell into the hands of hackers who could use such information to access Email linked accounts.
And it is just one of the ways the hackers can access your private info. Private info which could personal correspondence or locks down trade secrets which you are trying to secure. The below mentioned four steps for email safety can save you from some of the most common and preventable hacks.
4 Essential Steps to Keep Your BigPond Email Safe
Your BigPond email account is a mine for hackers. Despite that most email users don’t take their account security seriously. Below are five basic steps for email account security:

a) Always use Two-Factor authentication (2FA)

Using 2FA is a simple but powerful security method, ensuring that even if someone has your password, they need additional details to get access to it. Those additional details could the answer to a security question or a fingerprint. Authentication methods such as SMS or email verification are comparatively less secure than others, that’s why email service provider like BigPond with 2FA shall be given preference. Many smaller firms don’t ones only provide 2FA via SMS. BigPond users have an option to use 2FA via a software token, where a unique code is delivered to the app installed on a second device. If you feel Your Bigpond email account is hacked then you can connect with our support team at Bigpond Email Password Recovery Number +61-1800-849-315 and secure your mail service.

b) Take password security seriously

Despite repeat instructions from BigPond to use strong and unique passwords, most users still use common passwords like 123456 or their date of birth. If you have such a habit, then BigPond recommends you using a password manager, which enables you to create different and strong password for your different online accounts, all at one place. (Make sure you use the encrypted backup feature). Your passwords shall contain at least 16 characters with a mixture of numbers, letters and punctuation. Use can fend off brute force attacks this way. Avoid writing down your passwords and never share them. Never use one password in another account.

c) Use encrypted email

Data breaches at corporate level affect millions. Hackers have had their way into the servers of some of the reputed companies worldwide. Where they got away with passwords, contact details and financial info. Using BigPond Email ensures that you are using an email service with E2EE encryption and zero access encryption, which provides you a total solution to this problem. Sometimes you faces login problem in your email service Just connect with Bigpond Email login Problem support Team.
BigPond Emails are stored on BigPond Email and have zero access encryption. A breakage at BigPond email servers won’t compromise your private communications. To summarise, BigPond Encryption can bring a considerable change to improve your communication security.

d) Protect yourself from phishing attacks

Phishing is a common tool hackers you to access your devices and accounts. You are lured into clicking a legitimate looking URL contained in an email which then downloads an attachment. Afterwards you enter your financial details, which are directly sent to the hacker.
In other words, whenever you are online always be aware of such suspicious email addresses. Never download or click anything you are not sure about. BigPond Email provides you with a special set of security aiming to prevent BigPond Email users from being a victim of Phishing Attacks.
To get any type of technical assistance regarding Bigpond Email you can connect with us at Our Bigpond Email Helpline Number  1800-849-315 . Our Expert technical team solve your technical issue no matter what type of problem you face in Bigpond Email service.

Reference By:

Sunday, 24 February 2019

How BigPond Email Is More Secure than other email services with Bigpond Email Support?

BigPond Email is an encrypted email service that has a radical and different approach towards email security.
Here’s a security comparison between both Gmail & BigPond Email:
Few years back, BigPond Email became world’s first email service to provide data security via E2EE thereby making it popular among millions of users worldwide today. BigPond tech is often mistaken by tech writers, we aim to clear all the misconceptions about BigPond Email via this blog and explain in detail that what makes BigPond Email more secure.

Only you can read your emails

BigPond Email encryption means that other than you, no one can access your inbox. Even BigPond Email can’t do so. Our belief is that private communications should remain private.
Whereas Gmail haste ability and its does read your mails. If you are uncomfortable with this, then shift to BigPond Email to get data privacy that provides more security.

Your data belongs to you

When you sign up for Facebook or Google, you give them the access to your sensitive personal information, whether you like it or not. The recent Cambridge Analytica scandal brought to world’s knowledge that how unaware Facebook users about the possibility of their personal data being misused by both state sponsored and non-state sponsored actors, all just for a few thousand bucks.
Unless these companies fundamentally change their business models, they can read, analyze, and sell your data in any number of ways they want.
With BigPond Email you won’t have such problem. Just because of E2EE and Zero Access Encryption in use. Our encryption methods ensure that you the user have complete data ownership without any compromise.
We don’t have the ability to read it or sell it, even if we want to do so.

Improved security in the event of a data breach

BigPond Email uses Zero-Access Encryption, i.e. it is technically impossible for anyone even us to decrypt user messages. Zero-Access Encryption is applicable to all messages in your mailbox, even messages which those with a sourcenon-BigPond’s to non BigPond Email users.
As a result, we give you a stronger security in comparison to Gmail because even if BigPond Email server security is somehow breached, user messages remain secure because BigPond Email only stores encrypted messages. In other words, if a hacker steals emails from BigPond Email, he/she won’t be able to decrypt them, because even BigPond Email can’t do so.
The use of Zero-Access Encryption provides an additional strong layer of resiliency against data breaches that could be intentional or unintentional in nature.

No tracking and logging

Google keeps a record of every active user has done, which may include your IP address, your searches, emails you have accessed, websites you have visited and much more user activities that happen on other Google Services.
BigPond Email thinks otherwise and hence does not monitor or record user activity, not even their IP addresses.

Encryption for messages in transit

Moving ahead, along with the mail security that is not in transit, one also needs to take care of the security of emails in transit. Both BigPond Email and Gmail implement a policy of extra protection by using TLS encryption whenever possible while communicating with external email providers.
However, we at BigPond Email Help take this one step ahead by also supporting end-to-end encryption. In simple words, E2EE means that emails are encrypted at the source (before it even leaves the home), and can only be decrypted at the destination. This means that no third party even at the source can intercept the email between the source and destination like ISP or even BigPond Email as the mail server operator, can decrypt and view the message.

If You face any problem regarding Bigpond Email you can connect with Bigpond Email Support Number 1800-849-315 at any time 24*7*365. Our Expert Technicians solve any issue no matter whatever the issue you 

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

How Bigpond Email Support Number helpful for Bigpond users

Telstra, the Australian Telecom conglomerate is the infrastructure backbone of BigPond.
Communication is critical to the smooth functioning of an organization. It keeps the information exchange wheel moving. Before the advent of email, both personal and professional communications took time. As a result, businesses both operating at local and international level felt the heat of delay in communication.
In today’s fast moving world, time is money. And this became one of the prominent reasons behind email’s invention. Internet evolution brought about the invention of email technology. Now worldwide there are numerous players offering email services. No land on earth is devoid of email communication provider no matter what is its GDP. Bigpond is one of them with HQ in Australia.
BigPond email offers some of the best features in the email that are unique and interactive. This has helped Bigpond gain a huge customer base globally. It has millions of users worldwide. BigPond Technical support team is functional 24/7 for their service. Despite rigorous testing, before the products are launched, in the long run, due to workload or pressure some functionalities do down all of a sudden. Bigpond has no such intention whenever this occurs. That’s why the BigPond Support team is always a call away.
BigPond email support team comprises of experts who are the best in their field. They have years of experience & knowledge about various issues that may arise from time to time with BigPond mail. As a result, most of the time they have the solutions handy and therefore they are able to solve the problems in a matter of a few minutes. Reaching them is an easy task. The company has in operation a toll-free number also known as the BigPond Email Support Number 1800-849-315 available for the customers. The number is open 24*7*365. Just call them and talk to them directly with your problems.
Some of the general issues with BigPond service are listed below:-
  • Recovery of a Hacked account
  • Reset/recovery of password
  • Spam filter configuration
  • Account setup
  • The problem in sending and receiving emails
It may so happen that to resolve the above-mentioned issues, the experts at times may need to gain remote access to your computer. Here the fact needs to be stated that the access is solely for the purpose of getting a better insight into the matter and hence resolve the issue. There will be no loss of data and the experts getting remote access will not have any unauthorized access to your computer.
Giving remote access to the BigPond Email Contact Number 1800-849-315 team saves your time and effort to search for a third party technical support center and take your computer to them. Also, the service at BigPond support is available at much Optimized price and is comparatively much less than that offered by their counterparts.
The customers who have taken the service from BigPond technical support team have expressed their satisfaction and have always given positive feedback regarding the service quality.
So, if you are facing any issues with the functioning of your BigPond email service, do not hesitate to contact the BigPond Email Phone Number team for help.